My current research centres on two main projects. The first examines how the technicians working on digital government projects bring laws to life through their design choices. This work is funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant (Canada).
A second project interrogates the structure and mechanics of databases to examine them as spaces with their own governance logics. This work is the subject of a forthcoming book co-authored with Dr. Nofar Sheffi at UNSW's Faculty of Law and Justice (Routledge).
Select Publications
Jennifer Raso, “Digital Border Infrastructure and the Search for Agencies of the State” in Gavin Sullivan, Fleur Johns, and Dimitri van den Meerssche, eds, Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).
Jennifer Raso, "Responsible AI: Binaries that Bind" (2024) 69:4 McGill Law Journal.
Jennifer Raso & Victoria Adelmant, “Bureaucracy” in Jenna Burrell, Ranjit Singh, and Patrick Davison, eds, Datafied State Keywords Project (New York: Data & Society, 2024).
Jennifer Raso, “Smooth Operators, Predictable Glitches: The Interface Governance of Benefits and Borders” (2023) 38:2 Canadian Journal of Law & Society 158-179.
Paul Daly, Jennifer Raso & Joe Tomlinson, “Researching Administrative Law in the Digital World” in Carol Harlow, ed, A Research Agenda for Administrative Law (London: Edward Elgar, 2023) 255-279.
Jennifer Raso, “Implementing Digitalization in an Administrative Justice Context” in Joe Tomlinson, Robert Thomas, Marc Hertogh & Richard Kirkham, eds, The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022) 521-544.
Jennifer Raso, “Artificial Intelligence and Administrative Law” in Teresa Scassa & Florian Martin-Bariteau, eds, Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2021), 163-184.
Jennifer Raso & Nofar Sheffi, “Data” in Mariana Valverde, Eve Darian-Smith, Kamari Clarke & Prabha Kotiswaran, eds, The Routledge Handbook of Law and Society (London: Routledge, 2021) 112-118.
Jennifer Raso, “Unity in the Eye of the Beholder? Reasons for Decision in Theory and Practice in the Ontario Works Program” (2020) 70:1 University of Toronto Law Journal 1-39.
Jennifer Raso, “The In-Between Space of Administrative Justice: Reconciling Norms at the Front-Lines of Social Assistance Agencies” in Jason Varuhas & Shona Wilson Stark, eds, The Frontiers of Public Law (Oxford: Hart, 2020), 471-498.
Jennifer Raso, “Them’s the Brakes: Enforcing Speed Limits in the ‘Smart City’ of Edmonton, Alberta” in Mariana Valverde & Alexandra Flynn, eds, Smart Cities in Canada (Toronto: Lorimer, 2020), 158-170.
Mariana Valverde, Fleur Johns & Jennifer Raso, “Governing Infrastructure in the Age of the ‘Art of the Deal’: Logics of Governance and Scales of Visibility” (2018) 41:S1 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 118-132.
Jennifer Raso, “Displacement as Regulation: New Regulatory Technologies and Front-Line Decision-Making in Ontario Works” (2017) 32:1 Canadian Journal of Law & Society 75-95.
Jennifer Raso, “Tranchemontagne and the Administration of Rights: Lessons from the Game of Jurisdiction” (2017) 13 Journal of Law & Equality 31-59.
Career Honours
Canadian Law and Society Association award for best English-language article in volume 32 of the Canadian Journal of Law & Society
Richard Hart Prize for the best paper by an early career scholar at the University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law biannual conference
SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Principal Investigator: Shifting Front Lines in the Digital Welfare State: Coding Canadian Social Assistance Laws
Endeavour Research Fellowship, Government of Australia, $23,000
SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, $90,000
(declined second year of funding due to tenure-track appointment)
Visiting Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School
Visiting Researcher, Center for the Study of Law and Society, UC Berkeley
Visiting Fellow, Transnational Law Summer Institute, King’s College London
Junior Fellow, Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Study, University of Toronto
A second project interrogates the structure and mechanics of databases to examine them as spaces with their own governance logics. This work is the subject of a forthcoming book co-authored with Dr. Nofar Sheffi at UNSW's Faculty of Law and Justice (Routledge).
Select Publications
Jennifer Raso, “Digital Border Infrastructure and the Search for Agencies of the State” in Gavin Sullivan, Fleur Johns, and Dimitri van den Meerssche, eds, Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).
Jennifer Raso, "Responsible AI: Binaries that Bind" (2024) 69:4 McGill Law Journal.
Jennifer Raso & Victoria Adelmant, “Bureaucracy” in Jenna Burrell, Ranjit Singh, and Patrick Davison, eds, Datafied State Keywords Project (New York: Data & Society, 2024).
Jennifer Raso, “Smooth Operators, Predictable Glitches: The Interface Governance of Benefits and Borders” (2023) 38:2 Canadian Journal of Law & Society 158-179.
Paul Daly, Jennifer Raso & Joe Tomlinson, “Researching Administrative Law in the Digital World” in Carol Harlow, ed, A Research Agenda for Administrative Law (London: Edward Elgar, 2023) 255-279.
Jennifer Raso, “Implementing Digitalization in an Administrative Justice Context” in Joe Tomlinson, Robert Thomas, Marc Hertogh & Richard Kirkham, eds, The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022) 521-544.
Jennifer Raso, “Artificial Intelligence and Administrative Law” in Teresa Scassa & Florian Martin-Bariteau, eds, Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2021), 163-184.
Jennifer Raso & Nofar Sheffi, “Data” in Mariana Valverde, Eve Darian-Smith, Kamari Clarke & Prabha Kotiswaran, eds, The Routledge Handbook of Law and Society (London: Routledge, 2021) 112-118.
Jennifer Raso, “Unity in the Eye of the Beholder? Reasons for Decision in Theory and Practice in the Ontario Works Program” (2020) 70:1 University of Toronto Law Journal 1-39.
Jennifer Raso, “The In-Between Space of Administrative Justice: Reconciling Norms at the Front-Lines of Social Assistance Agencies” in Jason Varuhas & Shona Wilson Stark, eds, The Frontiers of Public Law (Oxford: Hart, 2020), 471-498.
Jennifer Raso, “Them’s the Brakes: Enforcing Speed Limits in the ‘Smart City’ of Edmonton, Alberta” in Mariana Valverde & Alexandra Flynn, eds, Smart Cities in Canada (Toronto: Lorimer, 2020), 158-170.
Mariana Valverde, Fleur Johns & Jennifer Raso, “Governing Infrastructure in the Age of the ‘Art of the Deal’: Logics of Governance and Scales of Visibility” (2018) 41:S1 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 118-132.
Jennifer Raso, “Displacement as Regulation: New Regulatory Technologies and Front-Line Decision-Making in Ontario Works” (2017) 32:1 Canadian Journal of Law & Society 75-95.
Jennifer Raso, “Tranchemontagne and the Administration of Rights: Lessons from the Game of Jurisdiction” (2017) 13 Journal of Law & Equality 31-59.
Career Honours
Canadian Law and Society Association award for best English-language article in volume 32 of the Canadian Journal of Law & Society
Richard Hart Prize for the best paper by an early career scholar at the University of Cambridge Centre for Public Law biannual conference
SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Principal Investigator: Shifting Front Lines in the Digital Welfare State: Coding Canadian Social Assistance Laws
Endeavour Research Fellowship, Government of Australia, $23,000
SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, $90,000
(declined second year of funding due to tenure-track appointment)
Visiting Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School
Visiting Researcher, Center for the Study of Law and Society, UC Berkeley
Visiting Fellow, Transnational Law Summer Institute, King’s College London
Junior Fellow, Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Study, University of Toronto